David MacAlpine, CPA, CA

David MacAlpine

David MacAlpine , CPA, CA

Partner, Private Enterprise

A Partner in MNP's Burlington office, David builds strong relationships with his clients to deliver customized business consulting and advisory, succession planning, corporate and personal tax planning services. A trusted advisor, he helps his clients identify potential opportunities and maximize their business success.

David works one-on-one with private enterprises, family owned and operated businesses, pharmacy professionals, franchisee owners, and construction and manufacturing firms. Drawing on two decades of experience, he provides a comprehensive suite of accounting and assurance, personal and corporate tax, and business consulting and advisory services.

David earned a Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc) from Brock University in 2001. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (CA) in 2003.

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